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Road Map to Vocational Rehabilitation Servcies

•Call or visit the VR office closest to you

•Locate an office here

•Schedule a time and day to attend an orientation

•Attend orientation

•Learn how the program works from start to finish

•Get a chance to ask questions about offered services

•Decide if you want to apply for services; if YES move on to next step

•Schedule intake interview and fill out application

•If you need help with filling out the application, VR can help with this-- Ask!

•Intake Interview

•A chance for your VR counselor to get to know you

•Takes about one hour

Bring filled out and completed application to interview. Information that may be asked at intake includes: release forms and service questionnaire, transition experiences, job interests inventories, job shadows, work experiences, strengths and interests, and diagnostic reports

•Your VR counselor will then determine if you qualify for services

•They have 60 days to determine eligibility

•May ask for medical records or doctor evaluation 

•Together you and your VR counselor determine a job goal

•You and your VR counselor will decide what services and resources are needed in order to get a job

•Your VR counselor will help you write an Individualized Plan for Employment (IPE), which will be the steps you need to take in order to meet your goal

•Once both you and your VR counselor agree to your IPE, you can start working on the action steps

•The amount of time it takes to complete your plan depends on you and your needs

•The services identifed in the IPE will look different for every individual

•After finishing the steps of your IPE, you will search for a job

•Your counselor can help you with searching for a job

•Once you have found a job, your VR counselor will check in with you, or follow-up with you, for 90 days after you get a job

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